Subject: Retail Plus 5.62 Author: True North Computer Services Uploaded By: ASaucci Date: 5/18/1997 File: PLUS56.ZIP (459148 bytes) Estimated Download Time (51210 baud): < 2 minutes Download Count: 203 Equipment: MS-DOS, printer Needs: PKUNZIP 2.04 or WAOL 2.5+ to unzip Windows 95 Version available at web site: R E T A I L P L U S + Version 5.6 Retail Sales And Inventory Management System TRUE NORTH COMPUTER SERVICES PO BOX 5101, HUNTSVILLE, ONTARIO CANADA P1H 2K5 TELEPHONE - (705)789-0928 INTERNET - WORLD WIDE WEB - FEATURES OF RETAIL PLUS If you have been looking at sales and inventory software you have probably voiced some of the following concerns: - Why is it so complicated? - Why is it so expensive? - Why does it take so long to create a simple invoice? The goal of retail management software is to help you concentrate on your sales and your customers. Retail Plus serves that goal. It is designed for those who spend too much time making up purchase orders, counting stock, tracking sales, or preparing invoices. It is more than an inventory system with a point-of-sale screen. It is an organizer, an analyzer and a time saver. Retail Plus has the following features: > Easy to use with pull down menus and pop-up windows. > Built in help system - press the F1 key at any time for assistance. > Complete sales and inventory data for each item in each location. > Full-featured POS system with slip printer and cash drawer support. > Multiple points of sale without a network. > Data imports and exports. > Weekly and monthly sales figures for each product. > History of daily sales and POS totals. > Sales tracked by product, department and client. > Accounts receivable/invoicing system, with overdue charges if needed. > Three fast & easy ways to find and print an invoice. > Auto-generated PO's with five methods of calculating order quantities. > On-screen review and editing of purchase orders. > Client database keeps a purchase history & mailing list clients. > Fast client lookups by name, company or phone number. > Set up 2 sales taxes and optional add-on charges. > Set up automatic discounts, tax rates or tax exemptions for any client. > Set up a bonus points system to identify and reward your best client. > Create, print and save price quotes that you can later use as sales. > Flexible sales and inventory reports with on-screen viewing. > Print price tags, bin labels, and Code 39 bar code labels. > Print detailed invoices on fan fold paper stock or on your letterhead. > Create catalogue output with descriptions, stock numbers, and prices. > Printer output transfers to your word processor for custom formatting. > Exports to database or spreadsheet programs for further analysis. > Handel any size of inventory - limited only by disk space. > Compare stock levels across multiple locations. > Transfer stock from one location to another. > Optional password system with three levels of access. > Inventory displayed by record view or table view. > Multi-user network compatible. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS > Any MS-DOS microcomputer. > A hard disk drive with at least 2MB of free space. > 640 KB of memory. > A printer capable of compressed print (15 cpi), or a wide carriage printer (132 columns). For printing bar code labels you will need an HP LaserJet or work-alike printer. > Optional Accessories - a POS printer for sales slips or an automatic cash drawer.